About us

Specialist in cellulose

Recell specialises in extracting, reprocessing and developing applications for cellulose as a raw material. Our customers include both government bodies and industry. Recell is part of the Recell Group, a group of innovative and successful companies working to build a cellulose-based economy.

What drives us

Cellulose is going to play a revolutionary role in replacing fossil fuels such as oil and gas, as well as products like steel and concrete. Trees and other plants, our most important source of cellulose, provide a climate-neutral and future-proof material. We’re extra motivated because our source of cellulose is unused waste streams and because our Cellulose has the smallest possible CO2 footprint.

Our mission

With our unique knowledge of tertiary cellulose and Recell products, we are greening entire supply chains. Every year, European companies put 20 million tonnes of cellulose into waste streams. Our mission is to recover all of it for use in green supply chains. As a brand and as a team we’re inspiring everyone who is on the path with us to the new green and circular economy. Guts, expertise and commitment are what you’ll recognise in every member of the Recell team.

R&D cellulose expertise
within the Recell Group

Recell’s R&D ranges from fundamental research and waste treatment technology to process technology and products. Customers often use Recell’s specialist R&D expertise for their searches for more sustainable, future-proof raw materials for their products and manufacturing processes, an investment that amply repays itself.

R&D & Innovation partners

Recell’s R&D works with a close partner network of organisations working to develop a cellulose-based economy – from universities and research institutes to R&D departments of multinational companies. Together we’re helping knowledge and innovation to grow exponentially.

Partnering with governments

The use of cellulose as a new raw material for green supply chains is a vision that is being shared in ever-wider circles. These circles also include national and regional authorities and the EU, which are incentivising this important development. We are delighted with the substantial support we are receiving from the northern provinces and the European Fund for Regional Development for the following two projects.

Developing high-quality raw materials for specific needs
The Recell Group is developing several Recell substances with unique properties suitable for use in construction, infrastructure, agriculture and chemicals. This project is supported by the province of Fryslân, The Northern Netherlands Alliance (SNN), European Fund for Regional Development (EFRO), and the European Union (EU).

Cell-U-Value, Cellulose for the chemical industry
This project specifically focuses on using cellulose from waste streams as a raw material for high-quality, sustainable chemicals. Recell Group is the initiator and leader of this project, which is partly financed through the Topsector Energie programme.

Recell Services expertise
for your specialists

Recell Group analyses waste streams and conducts feasibility studies. This enables you to know exactly what the cost and revenues from cellulose extraction will be, and what the most profitable applications are. Recell’s specialist R&D expertise is used by our customers in product development or for modifying existing manufacturing processes. We are used to working with R&D specialists from a wide range of industries. Recell Services can also calculate the precise improved CO2 footprint of your products and take care of applications for the CO2 certificates, using our internationally recognised LCA software.

The new Cellulose economy

The fossil fuels oil and gas, and their products steel and concrete, are at the root of today’s climate crisis and pollution all over the world. Cellulose has what it takes to replace these substances, which by definition pollute. Not only does it have unparalleled yet underestimated advantages, but cellulose is biobased and is not derived from fossil sources. Cellulose is accordingly an essential raw material for building the economy of the future. Recell is helping to build and introduce the newest generation of cellulose.


Our Team

Your opportunities and success in a fossil-free economy are important to us. Extend your team:

Vera Bosma
Marketing & Communications Officer

Kateryna Grabovets
Finance & Control professional

Anita Kriele
Manager Business Operations & HR

Ian Jordens
Commercial Director

Inge Timmerman
Financial Administrator